Children who arrive in the UK without their parents or guardians are often referred to as unaccompanied children or ‘separated children’. These children are usually taken into the care of their nearest local authority and will often live with approved foster carers when there is no suitable family member to look after them.
Reasons why children seek asylum
There are many reasons why a child or young person might flee their home country and seek asylum in a safe place. Children and their families may have experienced life-threatening situations, including:
- war and conflict
- persecution or torture because of political views or religious beliefs
- forced 'child marriage', and modern slavery
- persecution or torture because of ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity.
If you are a foster carer and think you might be able to look after a young person who has arrived in the UK unaccompanied, let your fostering service know. Foster carers who look after unaccompanied children will need to have the understanding, willingness and skills to meet their specific needs (for example, being able to provide appropriate emotional support and navigate complex immigration systems).