Sometimes, a foster carer will choose to transfer to a different fostering service.  

The Fostering Network has worked with key members of the fostering sector to develop transfer protocols which guide the way in which fostering services should manage the movement of foster carers between fostering services.  

The protocols reflect the legislation, regulations, statutory guidance and national minimum standards that govern fostering services across the UK.


Guiding principles

There is a different transfer protocol for each nation of the UK (see below), but some guiding principles apply across the UK: 

  • All foster carers have the right to freedom of movement between fostering services. 
  • Fostering services should not coerce or entice foster carers to transfer to a new service to ensure the continuation of a child’s placement with them. 
  • Planning for a movement from one service to another must be child-centered and allow for the child or young person (and their parents or other relevant people) to have their views heard.  
  • A foster carer cannot be approved by more than one fostering service at the same time, apart from in Scotland, and so they must not be approved by the fostering service to which they are transferring before the date that their previous approval ends. 


We have also created this flowchart for foster carers that gives an overview of the process. 

Transfer protocols

Transfer protocol for England

The most recent version of the England protocol was published in 2014 and has been reissued in 2015 alongside the newly developed guiding principles. It is compliant with the requirements of The Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011 and was shaped following consultation with The Fostering Network’s membership. The protocol is supported by the Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS).

Transfer protocol for Northern Ireland

This protocol has been developed by The Fostering Network and the joint forum of Independent and Voluntary Fostering Providers Scotland and ratified by Social Work Scotland.

Transfer protocol for Scotland

This protocol has been developed by The Fostering Network and the joint forum of Independent and Voluntary Fostering Providers Scotland and ratified by Social Work Scotland.

Transfer protocol for Wales

The transfer protocol is supported by the Welsh Government and is compliant with the requirements of all Fostering Regulations (Wales) and considers The Fostering Network’s Foster Carers’ Charter. This protocol sets out good practice guidance to follow when an approved foster carer applies to transfer from one fostering service to another in Wales or elsewhere in the UK. 

The protocol was shaped and revised following consultation with stakeholders from across the fostering sector, including AFA Cymru, and the following forums that we run: All Wales local authority fostering team managers, All Wales independent fostering providers and the All Wales foster carer advisory forum. 

The protocol is supported by The Association of Directors of Social Service Cymru and All Wales Heads of Children’s Services.