Foster Walk is a fantastic way to show your support for foster care during Foster Care Fortnight while helping us raise vital funds.

This year, we encourage foster carers and fostering services to come together and organise your own Foster Walk. Whether you set up a JustGiving page to raise funds for The Fostering Network or simply use the opportunity to connect and strengthen relationships, your participation makes a difference. All the information you need to take part in Foster Walk 2025 is on this page.

Let’s step forward together for foster care!

Get involved in Foster Walk!

Simply get together with others in the fostering community, set your own distance challenge and begin planning your walk! 

Raise money by:

  • organising a team challenge with your family, friends, neighbours or colleagues
  • setting yourself a target and asking others to donate. For example, 70,000 steps or 70km over the fortnight – or pic another challenge from the options below
  • donating to somebody you who is taking part through our Just Giving page

Not sure how to take donations? Set up a Just Giving page to collect and track donations online.


Frequently Asked Questions

Will I get a Challenge Pack?

Not this year, all the information you need is on this page. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

Where can I walk?  

Anywhere you like! You can find great local walks on, a free walking app with loads of suggested routes. And why not have a look at:  

  • National Trust (England, Northern Ireland, Wales)  
  • National Trust Scotland 
  • Ramblers UK  
  • Walk Northern Ireland  

What should I wear?  

We encourage as many people as possible to wear orange during Foster Walk to help raise awareness of fostering. The more orange, the better!  

How can I share my story?  

A JustGiving page is a great place to tell your story and will provide easy links so you can share your page by email or on social media. You can also share your Foster Walk pictures on social media using #FosterWalk, #FCF25

I still have questions, where can I get support?  

Just email the fundraising team at [email protected]. We’re here to help!  

Suggested Foster Walk challenges

Here are a set of challenges for you to complete throughout Foster Care Fortnight. Plan your route and select a challenge or two to complete. These are just suggestions, so you can pick your own if you prefer! 

  • Every 20 minutes another child comes in to care in need of a fostering family -so complete 2,000 steps in 20 minutes
  • Complete a walk wearing either fancy dress or bright colours 
  • Talk to your team mates about a powerful relationship in the fostering community that has impacted you
  • Walk the height of mount Everest   - can you reach the top by completing 10,600 steps? 
  • Walk 5km with your Foster Walk team
  • Walk 70,000 steps over the fortnight to represent the 70,000 children living in foster care across the UK
  • Walk the equivalent of the three peaks challenge  
  • Complete 50,000 steps over the fortnight 
  • Don’t forget to bring your dogs along and share pictures of your furry friends on social media!