How to get involved in Foster Care Fortnight

There are many ways to get involved, whether you’re a foster carer, a fostering service, or a fostering-friendly employer.

Let’s come together to celebrate, inspire, and encourage more people to consider fostering.


Strengthen relationships 

We know that life can be busy but taking time to nurture relationships - no matter how small the gesture - can be powerful. As Foster Care Fortnight is all about celebrating and acknowledging the hard work foster carers do, you can organise a ‘thank you’ event, enabling them to get together and strengthen relationships in the fostering community.  

This could be:  

  • A family fun day  
  • A group walk  
  • A big bake-off  
  • A tea party  
  • A foster carer awards event 

You can also take the time to get together with colleagues in your service. We’d love to see how you strengthen relationships both at work and in the fostering community. Share a photo or story on social media of spending valuable time with someone important and tag us on social media @thefosteringnetwork (@fosteringnet on Bluesky and X) and use the hashtag #FCF25. 

Let’s inspire and celebrate the fostering community together! 

Talk about powerful relationships in the fostering community  

This Foster Care Fortnight we want to hear about powerful relationships between people throughout the fostering community, including children and young people, providing you have a consent form from their parents or foster carers.  

We want to hear from you too! Which relationships in your fostering service have left a lasting impression? Pick a powerful relationship that has made a difference to your role - whether it’s a colleague you always look forward to working with, or a fostering family you’ll always remember, we want to hear about those life-changing connections.   

Tell us about it on social media using the hashtag #FCF25 – who are they and how have they made a difference.  

You can print off our placard and choose one of the post templates from our resource section to get you started! 

Have a visible presence in your community  

In previous years, services have come up with creative ways to make their presence known in the community. They have visited schools, renamed train stations and created ‘fostering’ flowerbeds to raise the profile of fostering.  

Fayres, highstreets, stations and supermarkets are also prime locations for foster carer recruitment activity during Foster Care Fortnight. Having chosen your location based on previous experience or predicted successes (based on your target audience), a fostering stand or stall could tell the stories of people whose lives have been transformed by fostering. 

Foster Carers

Strengthen relationships  

We know that life can be busy but taking time to nurture relationships - no matter how small the gesture - can be powerful. Whether it’s baking together, walking the dog, sharing a bedtime story, or simply having a chat over a cup of tea, those little moments add up to something truly special. 

As part of the campaign, we’d love to see how you strengthen the relationships in your life. You can choose one of these activities, or create your own. Take a picture and tag us using #FCF25. Let’s inspire and celebrate the fostering community together! 

  • Bake chocolate chip cookies.  
  • Find some thread and beads for bracelet making.  
  • Put on your walking boots and get outside to join a Foster Walk.  
  • Read aloud with your family.  
  • Buy some popcorn and have a movie night.   

Tell us about the powerful relationships in your lives 

Pick a powerful relationship in your life that has made a difference to your fostering journey. Tell us about it on social media using the hashtag #FCF25 – who are they and how have they made a difference. 

You can print off our placard and choose one of the post templates from our resource section to get you started! 

Corporate partners/Fostering Friendly employers

Foster Care Fortnight will run from 12 – 25 of May – the UK’s biggest awareness raising campaign for fostering! This year’s theme is The Power of Relationships - because at the heart of every fostering journey are the connections that make all the difference. 

Strong, trusting relationships are the golden thread that runs through every fostering story. Whether it’s the bond between a foster carer and a child, the support of social workers, the friendships built within fostering communities, or the connections with birth families, these relationships shape lives, create stability, and open up new possibilities for the future.  

Over the fortnight, we’ll be celebrating the many ways relationships transform the lives of children and young people in care - and we want you to join us! 

There are many ways to get involved and we encourage all our Fostering Friendly employers and corporate partners to support the campaign in some way.   

Join in on social media  

  • Create and share videos about why fostering is important to your organisation. If you’re a Fostering Friendly employer, tell your followers why you decided to become Fostering Friendly. You can also share a story of a foster carer in your organisation, aligning with the theme The Power of Relationships. 
  • Share the Foster Care Fortnight graphics with the hashtag #FCF25 on your channels. 

Say ‘thank you’ to foster carers in your community 

  • Send a ‘thank you’ card or flowers to foster carer employees. 
  • Hold a celebration event – e.g. a coffee morning – to celebrate foster carer employees and bring them together. 
  • Thank your customers who are foster carers on social media. 

Tell others about Foster Care Fortnight  

  • Organise an online event for your staff in your organisation to raise the profile of fostering. You could invite a foster carer employee along to talk about their experience of fostering, or arrange for the HR team to talk about your commitments to foster carers. 
  • If you haven’t already announced that you are Fostering Friendly, you might what to use Foster Care Fortnight as an opportunity to announce it. 
  • Organise a fundraising event for The Fostering Network. If you’d like to do this, please get in touch: [email protected]