How to become Fostering Friendly

How to become a Fostering Friendly Employer 

The Fostering Network’s Fostering Friendly Employers scheme offers businesses of any size a chance to make a difference for foster carers and the children they care for in their local communities and improve support for their own employees at the same time. 

Becoming a Fostering Friendly Employer is a straightforward process, but it can have a significant impact on your employees and on fostering.

  1. Get in touch with us [email protected] and we will send you our draft policy.
  2. Adapt the draft policy to meet your needs. Send us back your policy.
  3. We can arrange a call with you or answer any questions you have.
  4. We can then approve you (or provide comments to help you get approved).
  5. We will add you to our list of Fostering Friendly employers and will celebrate your new status on our social media channels.